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Maghreb Algeria

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Ship of 500 TEUs


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Direct service between Marseille and Algiers

Marfret provides a weekly, scheduled service between Marseille and Algiers departing every Friday. The service, which connects to Algiers’ dry port, offers a sea transit time of 36 hours.


Optimized intermodal solutions tailored to your needs

Marfret’s logistics set-up in France and across Europe means we have empty containers available close to loading points and can provide our customers with a true door-to-door service.

The multimodal solutions offered guarantee a fast, reliable, secure and frequent service (daily departures on many French and European corridors ) while reducing inland costs.

For example, the transit time between Antwerp and Algiers or between Paris and Algiers is only 5 days.

Upon docking, the containers are transferred using ship’s tackle and importers can immediately begin customs formalities.