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More than ever by your side

More than ever by your side

All services remain operational: Pacific, MedCar, French Guiana, FWI, Maghreb, Intracar… Each week, Marfret ships touch destination, supplying countries with food and essential goods. Naturally, business is being fuelled by the retail sector. Providing importers with pallet-wide containers means they can maximize the load in each box. It’s a vital service, especially for the overseas territories historically served by Marfret.
“More than ever, we stand side by side with our clients, with no public funding,” underlines Guillaume Vidil.

Ships are now subject to strict measures in order to limit the spread of the virus: disinfection of accommodation ladders, compulsory wearing of gloves and masks and social distancing by crews. In French Guiana and the West Indies, Marfret has been granted a curfew exemption allowing it to unload its ships during the night.