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Marfret, sponsor of the Exhibition Local Heroes – Marseille & Berlin

Marfret has just provided the Museum Regards de Provence with a 40′ container that will be used as a support for the realization of a contemporary work by the Marseille graffiti artists Hams and Eliote.
The container was installed yesterday in front of the Museum Regards de Provence in Marseille. We also donated two container sheets with a total length of 6 meters that will also be graffitied.
The heterogeneous selection proposed during the exhibition Local Heroes – Marseille & Berlin (from 13 Set. to 7 Feb.)  will show how complex the history of graffiti is, depending on the place, the political situation, the actors. Initially a manifestation of the crisis of a youth, graffiti has finally revealed itself as an artistic genre.
The “heroes” of this subculture constitute themselves in a parallel and anonymous world in each city. The once American phenomenon now finds its stronghold in Europe, particularly in France and Germany with artists such as 1UP, Moses and Taps, Edward Nightingale, Rap, Hams, Eliote, Skubb and Ymmot.