It is with deep sadness that we pay tribute to Marian Bulutu, Second Officer, who passed away on Thursday 20th January during the call of our ship Marin in Guadeloupe.
Marian was for many years faithful to Marfret and our Ferrymar line. He was a colleague, but also a friend for the employees of Marfret Guadeloupe as well as for the stevedores, dockworkers, inter-island carriers and Port community, whom he worked with from near and far.
Hardened shipping professional, he was driven by a passion for a job well done and made it his duty to optimise every corner of the ship so that nothing was left behind. Captains Bessonov, Constantinescu, Moise and Pilarski, under whose orders he worked, always had a great respect and deep affection for him.
We will always remember his extraordinary kindness and the warmth of his welcome and hospitality each time we came on board the Marin.
He leaves behind a wife and two young children to whom we send a message of compassion and affectionate thoughts.