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Natoya, Operations Agent in Cayenne

With her vocational baccalaureate in Services, Natoya began studies in a BTS in Management of Commercial Units (MUC) but left to enter the workforce. She worked as a manager in a large retail chain in Bordeaux until a robbery discouraged her from continuing in that field. She decided to return to her family in French Guiana and sought a job that would allow her to retrain. Upon discovering a job listing for an operations agent at Marfret, she researched the company and met with the Director, who explained the role of the agency and the challenges of the maritime industry. Enthusiastic, she joined the team at the end of 2017 and went to Marseille to receive training in international transport at the Port Institute. Since January 2018, she has managed operations for the Cayenne agency.

« As an operations agent, I constantly juggle imports and exports. In French Guiana, we are particularly close to our clients, which allows us to adapt our services to their needs, even though it’s not always easy! I have to ensure everything runs smoothly: coordinating container movements at the port, maintaining client relations, managing maritime documentation, verifying customs clearance, and sometimes organizing pre- and post-carriage when requested by clients. I liaise with the legal department in Marseille in case of disputes. It’s a very versatile position that is meaningful and offers the chance to interact with many stakeholders. I like knowing that I am part of the team that enables people here to obtain the products they need for their daily lives. By participating in the transport chain, I see myself as the last link before the goods are put on store shelves. Sometimes we handle transports for the Space Center or the Larivot Bridge, and in those cases, we feel truly important. When I arrived, I was warmly welcomed in our small agency, and even from French Guiana, it is easy to communicate with Marfret: there is always someone to talk to. There are not many hierarchical levels or procedures that slow down the work. I appreciate that employees can participate in the company’s various strategic projects, such as digitalization or CSR. Everyone can share their ideas and contribute. »